Niteblade Anthology

biglogoHad a nice e-mail from Rhonda Parrish, who edits the very wonderful Niteblade, to say that she’d like to include my story “An Unsuitable Replacement” in their forthcoming print anthology. So that’s two hits for a story that I originally wrote in under an hour during the 2007 Children in Need flash event.

And that, I believe, brings this year’s total hit count up to a round 50. So that’s another of this year’s targets achieved. I’ll need to double-check, but I’ll try to put up some kind of breakdown later on in the week in case anyone’s remotely interested.

If I get a moment, I really feel that I should also post something about my experience of Twitter so far – especially given the momentous events of last week. In the meantime, here’s my VWC mate Ian Cundell’s view.

8 thoughts on “Niteblade Anthology

  1. stu says:

    Is this the one where there had to be some connection to a rather sinister picture of santa?

  2. admin says:

    Oh, I’d forgotten about that. Maybe it is? Don’t think my story has any connection to Santa, unless I’ve missed something.

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