So here we go again. Book Six in the Mathematical Mystery series, THE CODE OF THE VAVASORS, is out today. Exciting stuff, eh? I think this is my favourite bit of the cover:

I’m also rather excited to see the book featured in Mystery Tribune’s list of the best crime, mystery and thriller books published in April 2024, alongside such luminaries as Sara Paretsky, David Baldacci and Anthony Horowitz.
But what is it all about, I hear you ask? Very good question. Maybe the back cover will help?

Well, I guess that does give the gist of the story. If you’ve read any of the preceding books in the series, you’ll probably know what to expect. If you haven’t, let’s just say you’re in for quite a ride, and you might want to have Archiepyedia to hand just in case. Most of the regular characters are there, both animal and human, plus several newcomers. Babies are born, generations are reconciled and the strange on-off love story of Tom and Dorothy continues. So basically business as usual. I’m actually really proud of this one and I hope you’re all going to enjoy it.