Ada and more Nano-Fiction

AdaCoverLgOwing to a bit of a cock-up with the post, I’ve only just received my copies of the very wonderful Leaf anthology, Ada and more Nano-Fiction, but the wait has definitely been worth it. My piece “Think Tank” is in there, along with seventy-odd others, and the collection is a lot of fun.

In other news, I’ve upgraded to WordPress 2.8.4 after a hacking scare forced me to reconsider my no-upgrade-until-absolutely-necessary policy, and it seems to be working fine. I found this out on Twitter, so that’s one positive benefit to chalk up already. I’ve actually been on Twitter now for a couple of weeks, and have found it a rewarding experience, if only because I can now laugh along with the rest at all the idiots in the mainstream press who don’t understand it.

4 thoughts on “Ada and more Nano-Fiction

  1. Cate Gardner says:

    Nice looking anthology, congratulations.

    I didn’t get twitter until I started using it and now I’m addicted – as you may have noticed.

  2. admin says:

    Thanks! Yes, Twitter doesn’t make any sense at all until you’re fully immersed in it, does it?

  3. stu says:

    This probably explains why I don’t understand it still.

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