Happy St Pinnock’s Day!

StPinnockThis is definitely going to become A THING.

As an aside in my new book TAKE IT COOL (you did know I had a new book out, didn’t you?) I make the suggestion that we should mount some kind of campaign to give St Pinnock a higher profile by posting this on our blogs every July 15th:


St Pinnock of Liskeard (also known as St Pinnock the Flamboyant, St Pinnock the Pungent and St Pinnock the Trouserless) is the patron
saint of Milton Keynes, Heligoland and headlice. He is also patron of nuisance callers, PERL developers and the worried well. St Pinnock is noted for the so-called Miracle of the Unwanted Cheese, wherein he succeeded in making an entire village’s cheese surplus disappear on a regular basis. He was canonised a few years after his martyrdom at the hands of a group of local dairy farmers following a dramatic fall in sales to neighbouring communities. His feast day is July 15th.

Impressively, the only person so far to have read and reviewed the book, Pete Sutton, has followed these instructions to the letter. This is how cults begin, you know.

2 thoughts on “Happy St Pinnock’s Day!

  1. Happy St Pinnock’s Day, Jon!

    And (although I’ve said it elsewhere) many congratulations on the publication of Take it Cool. I’m very pleased you found a publisher for it.

  2. Cheers, Dan! And many thanks – I’m pretty pleased myself, as you may imagine 🙂

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