The Best of Every Day Poets One

51Nl8LRqL6L._SL500_AA300_OK, prepare yourselves for a flurry of posts about stuff that happened over the break …

First up is the publication of “The Best of Every Day Poets One”. I’ve got three poems in this: “School Uniform”, “Grey Goo” and “Tasty Teresa” and it will be really nice to see them in print.

The thing I love about Every Day Poets is that they publish such a wide range of material, both highbrow and lowbrow. However, I have to say that all three of my contributions here are on the distinctly lowbrow side. Two of them rhyme, for God’s sake. The other one is my one and only attempt at a Fib. I’m not good with form poetry, but I can just about manage a 1-1-2-3-5-8 syllabic pattern, and in this one you get two for the price of one, because there’s a second part that goes 8-5-3-2-1-1.

Anyway, I can thoroughly recommend that you buy this one. Here’s where you need to go.

2 thoughts on “The Best of Every Day Poets One

  1. That’s the problem when things come out over the break! Congrats to you too, anyway 🙂

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