Well, this is all getting terribly exciting. First of all, book 4 of the Mathematical Mystery series, otherwise known as Bad Day in Minsk, acquired a cover a couple of weeks back, and I think it’s the strongest one yet. You probably caught a glimpse of it when you first arrived at the site, but in case you didn’t, here it is again:

Amazing, right? I’ve said it before, but the absolute best thing about having a series of books published is that you get MATCHING COVERS. Profound thanks as usual to Mark Swan aka kid-ethic for doing the magic once again.
Meanwhile, the marketing campaign is beginning to ramp up, with a completely new free short story available via the Farrago website. It’s called Ten Years Earlier… and it’s a prequel to The Truth About Archie and Pye, and it’s an absolute must for completists, as well as anyone else who just fancies dipping a toe in. Watch out for more exciting stuff in the run-up to April 8th.

You may not have noticed this, but last Sunday was – possibly – e day. I thought this day shouldn’t go unnoticed, so I added an article about it to Archiepyedia, which – much to my delight – got picked up by Charles Arthur’s Overspill blog.
Finally, the It’s Lit But Is It Funny? podcast is proceeding apace, with one episode published, another one edited and awaiting transmission and six more lined up waiting to happen. I’ll have more to say about it in due course, but for the moment, I’m finding it the most amazing fun to do and also quite terrifying. If you haven’t had a listen yet, do please do so – there’s a player widget thing over here, along with a load of buttons to subscribe via the provider of your choice.