Dot Dash Hits the Broadsheets!

Yesterday was one of those milestones in my career as a writer – the day when something of mine was reviewed by one of the broadsheets. Not only that, but The Independent on Sunday saw fit to give Dot Dash four stars out of five, describing it as

an entertaining collection of grotesque, fantastic, pungent little tales

which is as good a one-line summary of the book as I’m likely to get. Knowing how many books the papers get sent to them every week – and especially given that Mrs Darcy versus the Aliens was rigorously ignored by everyone apart from the British Fantasy Society, the Gatehouse Gazette and a handful of plucky bloggers (to whom I’ll be eternally grateful) – I’m absolutely over the moon about this. I do wonder if it’s evidence of Salt’s increasing presence in the book world, following on from Alison Moore’s Booker triumph. Or maybe I just struck lucky. I can’t say I mind either way.

Whether it actually means anything in terms of sales is yet to be revealed, but it does mean that I can point to a place that everyone’s heard of and say, “Look! That’s me! I’m a writer!” Pathetic, really, but you have no idea how insecure and needy we writers can be, and it doesn’t seem to get any better.

There’s also a somewhat longer review of Dot Dash in the first issue of Synaesthesia magazine, by Bec Zugor. This is an expanded version of her original blog post and very nice it is too. Seems like  a good publication; I recognise a some of the other contributors – in fact I remember Jac Cattaneo reading “Cry Wolf”, which has one of the best opening lines ever, at Sparks in Brighton a while back. Do take a look.

In other news, I was asked last week to provide a cover quote for a splendid new chapbook, “Threshold”, by David Hartley for the excellent Gumbo Press. Do watch out for this and get yourselves a copy when it comes out – this is where much of the cutting edge action is right now, places like Gumbo, Nightjar and Spectral. They’ll be collectors’ items one day, mark my words.

7 thoughts on “Dot Dash Hits the Broadsheets!

  1. Pete Domican says:

    Sometimes, just sometimes, good things happen to talented and generous people.

  2. Christina James says:

    You are right about Salt Publishing and its growing reputation… for the excellence of its lists. However, you’re the one responsible for the quality of your book, so the praise is well deserved. Congratulations!

  3. admin says:

    And sometimes, Pete, they happen to people like me, too 🙂 (But thanks!)

    Thanks Christina! But I’m sure that Salt’s reputation has helped. It’s a good family to be part of, isn’t it?

  4. Dave Weaver says:

    ‘Only when you arrive at the first peak will you perceive all the others. Only then will your vision be clear enough to move onwards.’
    (Chronicles of Myrddin, c.507AD)

  5. admin says:

    My God, that’s profound, Dave. I think I’d like to hear Forrest Whittaker saying that, Ghost Dog style.

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