Ink, Sweat and Tears … and more

So the results are now in for Round Two of the Whittaker Prize and I seem to be in 4th place in the poetry section, surrounded on all sides by real poets. There is of course only one way to go from here on in, but I’m determined to hang on as long as I can (last year it was Round Four that did for me). Anyway, I had an idea that Charles Christian at Ink, Sweat and Tears might like my Round Two piece, “Rock Bottom”, and it turned out that my hunch was correct and it will appear there very soon. Apparently, it’s a concrete poem, and despite the fact that in my ignorance I’ve never come across the term before, the description is spot on.

What I didn’t expect was that when I mentioned the acceptance on the TWI forum, Donna Gagnon, who runs the Whittaker Prize, said that she was very keen to put the poem in this year’s Whittaker Anthology as one of her editor’s picks, and would I check that this wasn’t going to be compromised by its appearance in IS&T! I duly checked and there was no problem at all. So I think this counts as two hits for the price of one 🙂

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