Special Relativity

… is now live in the very latest edition of Eclectica. Make of it what you will 🙂

In other news, the fight against the BBC short story cuts continues. The indefatigable Susie Maguire has written an eloquent piece here, whilst the Society of Authors have also vowed to keep the pressure on. If you haven’t signed the petition yet, please do so.

Finally, I don’t usually talk about my family here, but my stupendously talented daughter’s food blog has just gone live and I really think you should go and have a look at it. You’ll feel better for doing so, trust me.

4 thoughts on “Special Relativity

  1. admin says:

    Ha! Hadn’t thought of that. Thanks, Oscar 🙂

  2. Martha says:

    Wuurrh, you have scary things going on in your brain — Special Relativity: the most chilling thing I’ve read this season. Will tweet…

    Love your daughter’s blog — now craving scones.

  3. admin says:

    “The most chilling thing I’ve read this season” is probably one of the best compliments I’ve ever had – many thanks, Martha 🙂

    So glad you like the sprog’s blog, too!

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