The Best of Every Day Fiction Two

EDF2009_small Yippee! The anthology from the second year of Every Day Fiction has now been published, including two of my stories, “Mirror, Mirror” and “Opening the Box”. I’m really looking forward to reading it, as there’s still something better about reading a story in a print anthology as opposed to looking at a one on a computer screen, even for a story of under 1000 words. And if you don’t happen to like the one you’re currently reading, there are 99 more in there. What I really like about EDF is their “anything goes as long as it’s good” attitude, which means zombie stories and literary ones in the same book. What’s not to like?

And the other thing that I really like about EDF is that their Managing Editor, Camille Gooderham Campbell, outed herself yesterday on the EDF forum as a fan of Mrs Darcy vs The Aliens. But then, who wouldn’t?

You can order copies of “The Best of Every Day Fiction Two” here.

2 thoughts on “The Best of Every Day Fiction Two

  1. Gordon Darroch says:

    Congratulations Jon – I’ve had absolutely zippo luck with EDF so well done for getting so far with them, and with two excellent stories.

  2. admin says:

    Thanks, Gordon! Be assured that EDF don’t accept everything I send them by any means 🙂 Keep subbing!

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