
It’s always a pleasure to find a new market, so I was particularly excited when one of my colleagues on Café Doom brought the excellent Library of the Living Dead Press to my attention. LotLDP is something of a specialist imprint, dealing exclusively in Zombie-related books (I’m guessing that you’d spotted that already). Now I like dealing with organisations who know their market, especially when they are run by someone called Dr Pus – even if I have a feeling that it may not be his real name. In fact, he may well not have had any medical training at all, come to think of it.

Still, the good news is that the aforementioned Dr Pus has just accepted my piece “Quarantine Island” for his forthcoming compilation “Zombology III”. So woo-hoo, I think. Yes, definitely a woo-hoo.

[EDITED TO ADD: In case anyone out there is interested in submitting to LotLD, here are full details of all their current anthologies. Prolific, aren’t they?]

4 thoughts on “Zombology

  1. stu says:

    Do you know, I only had one piece of zombie related fiction lying around. Just one. What have I been doing with my time?

  2. admin says:

    Every writer worth their salt should have a decent stack of zombie fiction lying around. One day the Bridport Prize will have a category for it. Trust me on this.

  3. Barry Napier says:

    The Doc is a great guy. The sister house he runs is Library of Horror Press and they were the house that published my collection, Debris.

  4. admin says:

    Excellent – I hadn’t realised that he’d published your book. Congratulations on having it published, by the way!

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