Lost for Words

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Lost for Words was originally written for Task Two of the 2010 Slingink Scribbling Slam. The prompt used was "What if you lost the ability to write?". The judge, whose name I can't remember, loved it and gave it a score of 87 out of 100, with a particular mention for its use of enjambment (a term I'd only just learnt how to spell). S/he also made a number of suggestions for improvement, all but one of which I seem to have taken on board.


Lost for Words was published by Ink, Sweat & Tears on December 19th, 2011.


I had a lot of fun with this piece trying to incorporate as many of the words that only get used in poetry as possible. Although it was slightly embarrassing when I performed it once at an open mic and the VERY NEXT PERSON read a poem including the word "cerulean".